Properly assemble and adjust Side bow chains to prevent further wear

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Side bow chains

The use of Side bow chains is indispensable in some mechanical equipment, in fact, in large mechanical equipment, because its existence can reduce the pressure of the machine itself on the contact surface, helping to extend the service life of the equipment. However, if the Side bow chains are severely worn, this protection will be greatly reduced.

It should be known that the service life of the Side bow chains has a great relationship with its maintenance, when it is seriously worn, it should be replaced with a new sprocket and a new rail chain to ensure good meshing.

It should be remembered that you must not only replace the new rail chain or new sprocket alone, otherwise it will cause bad meshing to accelerate the wear of the new rail chain or new sprocket, and the sprocket tooth surface should be turned over in time after wear to a certain extent, thereby extending the use of time.

However, if the replaced Side bow chains are too long or elongated after use, it will be difficult to adjust, at this time, the chain should be removed according to the actual situation, but it must be even. When installing, pass the link of the Side bow chains from the back of the rail chain, and insert the lock plate on the outside, so that the opening of the lock plate will face the opposite direction of rotation.

The new Side bow chains and the old Side bow chains are not required to be mixed, otherwise it is easy to have an impact in the transmission, causing the problem of breaking the rail chain. After installing the industrial bar, remember to fill the lubricating oil in time, and the lubricating oil must enter the coordination gap between the roller and the inner sleeve in order to improve the working conditions and reduce wear.

Side bow chains sprockets also have requirements, when it is installed on the shaft should be no skew and swing, and requires that the end face of the two sprockets in the same transmission component should be located in the same plane, do not allow friction sprocket teeth side phenomenon, so as to avoid chain removal and accelerated wear.

Side bow chains
